Do You Think You
Have What it Takes?

7 Day Adventure to New Mexico

Sunday, December 27th to Saturday January 2nd
For Sophomore, Juniors & Seniors

Sand Sledding

Participants also have the opportunity to take advantage of spiritual activities
such as daily Mass, and regular times for prayer.

There will be a student/parent-information night on a date TBA.

For more information, please contact Daniel Jakubisin 440-570-3242

Carlsbad Caverns

Carlsbad Caverns

White Sands National Park

White Sands National Park

Sierra Blanca Peak

Sierra Blanca Peak


Regarding COVID-19

Activities like this New Mexico Trip are crucial for the ongoing development of young men. Even without coronavirus there would still be inherent risks. Learning how to deal with life’s challenges is something every man must do.

We will address the trip’s Covid-19 policies in detail at the student/parent information night.

Limited Spots available… So Apply Today!